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Mile high behavioral healthcare / Transcend aftercare

Your recovery road

We are here to walk alongside you on your journey of long-term recovery. And we are here to remind you never to give up hope, even if you encounter a relapse.

At Transcend, the aftercare program of Mile High Behavioral Healthcare, we stand by you on your recovery journey. With the help of peer support and connection, you develop relationships that provide friendship, love, and hope. We encourage, listen, and hold you accountable. We offer motivation, inspiration, and a strong foundation for you to move forward, live in your truth, and find purpose to create and sustain change. 

Just as there are many paths to recovery, there are many paths to sustained recovery. It often takes time to adapt to the demands, and relapse can be part of the process. Transcend nurtures your sustained recovery by facilitating solid relationships among others in recovery, family, and the community.


the aftercare program: What to expect

Peer support Our peer specialists have a lived-experience understanding of the recovery process. Peers connect with clients reminding them of appointments, checking in between appointments, and encouraging them to stick with the program when they miss an appointment. Peer-led services help you make informed, healthy choices that support self-care, and physical and emotional well-being. After graduation, support continues through peer-lead groups, including recovery meetings, life skills, art, dating in recovery, and wellness.

Building community and strengthening families Licensed clinicians and behavioral health specialists manage multi-generational programs providing access to family therapy and parenting skills. Aftercare services and events include peer support groups, multi-family outings, monthly social events, family dinners, and an annual Celebration Gala.

CHESS Health app allows peers and clinicians to stay in touch with you and alerts them when you are in or near hot zones and then connects you to your peer. The app supports chats between you, your peer, and the clinician. It sends inspirational quotes, reminds you to let your peer know how you are, and checks in to see if you need support.



• peer-led groups focus on recovery life skills 
• communication through CHESS Health app and newsletter
• help in navigating resources such as housing, public benefits, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, employment, education, and legal services
• after-hour phone line to access peer assistance when needed
• evidence-based auricular detox supports recovery
• Front Range Clinic provides physical healthcare and MAT therapies at three MHBHC locations 
• sober events that include family members, such as potluck dinners, volunteering, yoga, and team sports
• graduation ceremonies upon completion of treatment
